Rather, his secretary came through. Get real. That's who runs the show anyway.
So while George Lucas is cool and all, Anne Merrifield is the true hero in my book.
Anyway, Alex got his letter and a complimentary Star Wars magazine. Which I thought was just perfect!
And in case you're wondering, "Mr. Lucas has indicated that he will not make Episodes 7, 8, and 9 because he feels the story has a good ending when Darth Vader is redeemed in Episode 6."
Oh- and she signed it "May the Force be With You!" Alex thought that was way cool.
I'm cracking up at how wrinkled the letter is! It looks like he tore the envelope open and ran around screaming with excitement while waving it wildly in the air.
Way to go Anne Merrifield!
Awh, that's REALLY cool of them.
I am impressed.
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