Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Title Piece

You know the name of my blog is Enjoy the Journey- and I just have to say, that I am!

Enjoying the Journey that is.

You know when the kids were young, I could never see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was convinced that they would be small and helpless FOR-EV-ER. And now, here it is, about 4:30 p.m. Wednesday- the boys are quietly playing downstairs, the girls are at Activity Days and the baby (who becomes a toddler next Monday) is sleeping. I am so blessed! Seriously, most of you had to suffer through me having four kids four and under- you saw the chaos. Heck- half of you were it the midst of the same chaos yourselves. I love this stage of my life where I have just enough time to myself. I'm doing so many fun things- some new some old.

I get to go to Book Club once a month. Just finished reading our March selection, "The Thirteenth Tale."

I play Bunco once a month. I quit this for about 4 months because book club and bunco were on the same night and I've been doing book club longer so I chose that. But now they are on different nights so I get to go to both.

I get my hair done regularly. Right now I get it weaved with 3 different colors. A blonde, a red (borderline fuschia - love it) and a dark brown. I love the way it looks! She does one red to every 2 blonde and brown so the red just adds dimension- it's not overpowering and obnoxious. And I have a style that is easy to do but looks like I spent a lot of time on it. Fabulous!

I am loving playing with "my look". I just got new glasses- they have kind of a deep purple frame. They have transition lenses when I walk outside so they turn into sunglasses. And I got some green colored contacts for when I'm not wearing my glasses. So cute!

And I love knowing my family is complete. It's such a great feeling knowing I listened when I had the promptings to have another baby. I have no regrets. Now that I can't have any more children, it comforts me to know that I obeyed when I was told to have more kids. Can you imagine my pain, my anguish, if in hindsight I had ignored those promptings? It's unimaginable to me.

I'm sure there are more things that I am loving about this part of my journey- actually I could go on and on. And I know that life will not always be about me and all the fun things I get to do but right now I'm enjoying it!


Hilary said...

I was just sitting here thinking how terribly boring my life is.
It must be an AMAZING feeling to know youre "done". Of course, who knows what lies ahead. :)

Bringhurst Family said...

Can't wait for that point in my life. Enjoy on.

Denise said...

I really am glad that you are enjoying the journey. (I will tell you that I am having journey envy and I will hold on to your glimpses of the promised land!)

And, it IS all about you. And I am okay with that.

Robin said...

Isn't it amazing what a few short years can do.

I remember thinking a time or two what a glutton for punishment you were, back during that time when you had 4 under four.

Now look at you!

Dawn said...

You have forever wanted colored contacts!

Amberlyn said...

I am so happy for you that you are in such a great place!!! It feels so good to be there, especially when you've experienced not so good times. Our journey is filled with many hills and valleys. Overcoming those hills makes the valleys that much sweeter, and greener!!!! I can't wait to get over this little hill.