Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Huhtala vs. Spanish Oaks Elementary

As I began writing this post, I realized that I haven't shared my 2 previous, similar experiences on my blog and that I needed to catch everyone up before explaining why I feel like I'm fighting a war against my children's school.

First Experience- September
Alex came home and asked Ed what nude art was. He said his teacher showed a picture of nude art and explained some artists paint or sculpt people not wearing any clothes. Alex said he felt "yucky" about it. I e-mailed the teacher (after calming Ed down) and she e-mailed back an explanation. The nude art was on the same page as another picture of art that she wanted to show the kids. She had her hand covering the nude art and explained that artists believe the human body to be beautiful so much of their artwork is depicting the human form. She apologized for her lack in judgement and realized that even though she covered it up, she should not have introduced it in 2nd grade.

Second Experience- October
I was cooking dinner when Hannah, who was reading a book from the 5th grade reading list, asked me what an affair was. 5 minutes later she wanted to know what rape was. She was reading the biography of Rosa Parks for her October Reading Project. I sent the other kids out to play and talked to Hannah. She was a little disturbed by both definitions but we had a good, candid discussion. I e-mailed the teacher and cc'd the principal this time. My position was: 1)when the school sends home a 5th grade reading list, parents think that books on the list are age-appropriate especially if nothing on the list indicates otherwise, 2) Teachers shouldn't put books on a list if they personally haven't read them and, 3) a lot of kids would not ask their parents- they would ask friends or not ask at all. This is dangerous! I also explained that if there was an asterisk by the book or something to alert me to the fact that I might want to supervise the reading of this book that I would have read it first to determine if Hannah was allowed to read it. The teacher e-mailed me back and said that she had met with the entire 5th grade staff and that they were re-doing the list and taking off any book that had not been read by one or more of the teachers. She apologized and thanked me for bringing it to her attention. Hannah now has a new 5th Grade Reading List that contains only books that have been pre-screened.

Hannah came home and asked to speak with me privately. We went into my room (bathroom actually because you know me, I have to multi-task) and she told me that they attended an assembly at school where the "safety instructor" talked to them about good touch and bad touch. The "safety instructor" went into great detail and talked about private parts- why girls have different private parts than boys and vice verse. She also showed a video of a girl who was being molested (I don't think they showed it) by her uncle. Her uncle was touching her private parts and he was making her touch his. The girl had "a secret" that she couldn't share with anyone. Hannah said the whole assembly made her uncomfortable. She said, "I only talk about this kind of stuff with you and Dad." Why are they making me learn about it in school and talk about it? She also told me that there was a 4th grade assembly that last year her teacher opted out of because he said "you should talk about this stuff at home not at school."

I called the office to set up an appointment with the Principal. She didn't call me back so while I was at the school today, I popped into the office. The Principal has had a death in the family so she won't be available for a week or so. That's totally fine. I left another message and told the Secretary to just have Mrs. Tingey call me when she was available and back into the full swing of things. I told the Secretary what my concern was. She told me I was the 3rd parent to complain today about the assembly and that they can't notify parents about those kinds of assemblies because what if the parent is the abuser? I wasn't going to get into it with her but this just got me going! Since when is it the school's job to raise our children? And we think it's going to get any better under Obama? AAAAAAHHHH! (sorry... that was low-blow political jab..... ignore it if you love him)

I believe in sex education in schools. I believe in assemblies that help educate children about dangerous relationships and strangers. I believe in children reading books about the 1960's , and the Holocaust, and all other historic events even if they are horrible. However, I believe that the schools should do all of this WITH the parent's permission, WITH their supervision, and WITH their support.


Dawn said...

Good luck Amy. I haven't crossed this bridge. Let me know what you do and how it goes so I know what to do in a few years!

Heather Anderson-Lane said...

It's pretty sad that we have to worry about stuff like this. You would think common sense would kick in at some point! Good Luck with Spanish Oaks. By the way I dont love him so the political jab was funny, funny to me!!!!

Denise said...

This is EXACTLY why we have OPTED out of every single thing having to do with sex education.

Because if you consent to part of it, you consent to it ALL.

The school does NOT have the right to teach your child this stuff.

We had a similar experience with the kids showing EXACTLY this information to the children...and after that I have opted them out of EVERYTHING, becuase they didn't have to tell me about it because I "consented" to it.

I would find out how you OPT OUT, and I would do it right away!

Robin said...

I can't believe your school didn't inform the parents before doing something like this.

Even here in Oregon (were there are far more liberals than is healthy) they gave the parents the choice of opting out of any kind of sex ed teachings.

I think you should fight, and keep fighting! If there is anyone out there to take on this battle, it is you!

Coupon Person said...

The secretary response concerns me too...they can't notify the parent because they might be the abuser? Ok, you HAVE to notify the parents. We have to be a part of the eduction of OUR children. Very interesting, good thing your kids feel comfortable telling you what's going on...

Crazy Lady said...

I am wondering why my child said nothing about this. Maybe because we have already talked about it at home. I too would like to be notified about things like this and have the choice but my question is this: Why do they have the rule the secretary gave you? There are children being molested. They need help and if their parents are the abuser they would NEVER approve them to go to an assembly like that. They would be caught for sure. It may be an uncomfortable topic and certainly should be taught in the home but what about the kids who HAVE the problem at home. How do you help them? These are the same kids who will grow up to be abusers themselves. Could this be helpful to them and break the cycle? Is hearing the assembly going to harm your child or cause them to become an abuser? I doubt it. It is a tough situation for sure and I wonder if there is another path they could take to solve this problem. Still, if it saves one child from abuse I can handle my child hearing about it in school. I love my kids but I'm not going to throw another kid under the bus just so my kid never feels uncomfortable. If nothing else it just gave me another reason to bring it up again at home. Just something to think about.

Amberlyn said...

Wow, it has been quite the year.

I'm right behind you, supporting you all the way. We have to stand up for our kids when they can't do it themselves.

Randi said...

I had no idea such things were going on. It will be interesting to hear how things go. Good for you in getting involved! Keep us posted!