Because I am a faithful follower of My Amazing Blogging friends, here is my answers to Tag, My Husbands It.
What’s his name? Edwin Carl Emil
How long have you been together? We got married on October 17, 1996 which is about how long we've been together since we never really dated first. Won't bore you with the details since you all know them.
How long did you date? We didn't. I'll quote Denise, "When you KNOW, you KNOW."
How old is he? 35
Who eats more? Him- always- so why the heck am I the fat one?
Who said I love you first? I don't remember- all of those normal dating rituals are a little hazy.... oh!- that's right because didn't follow any of the normal dating rituals.
Who is taller? Ed's 6'2" to my 5'6"
Who is smarter? Ed about anything medical, constructional, logical, or historical. Me in the common sense, I can remember things without a to-do list, kind of way.
Who does laundry? Ed does- on his days off. I put away the clothes.
Who does the dishes? Again, quoting Denise, "HELLO, the kids!"
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me- why are all you people trying to define it?
Who pays the bills? We do it together- a recent development.
Who mows the lawn? He does until our kids are old enough that I can say Hello! The kids.
Who cooks dinner? Generally me, although if I have a girls night out- he is not scared to take care of it.
Who drives when you are together? If I can't ride without making any comments, than I do.
Who is more stubborn? Duh- do I really need to answer this question? (It's me if any first-timers are reading)
Who kissed who first? Again- normal dating rituals? Not us. But I do remember our first kiss. It went something like this. From opposite sides of the room after we had just "decided" to get married. Amy: "So since we're going to get married, shouldn't we kiss?" Ed: "Ya.... I guess so." So we met in the middle and sealed the deal with a kiss. We've never looked back. We did look look around a little this past year. J/K We just had a pretty rough year last year.
Who proposed? He did, officially, 7 days after the above mentioned version of a marriage proposal.
Who asked out who first? He did. On August 27th, he asked me to go to the Mt. Timpanogos Temple Open House - he had tickets for Sept. 11th. We just happened to already be engaged by the time Sept. 11th rolled around. Here's the official timeline (all occurring in 1996):
August 22-24th: Met at a Branch campout in Moab
August 27th: Asked me out on a date
August 28th: Decided to get married
Sept 4th: Officially proposed to me at Deer Creek at Sunset
Sept. 11th: First Date
Oct. 17: Married
Mind boggling. Although something occurred to me while looking up these dates. (I always knew them by day and not date). One of our very good friends, Luther Smith, died in a car wreck on August 22nd. He was visiting his fiance's family in Atlanta when he hit a truck head-on going freeway speed. We attended his funeral, separately, on August 26th. Looking back, I wonder if the loss of Luther's life played a part in our urgency. Maybe we were more tuned to the Spirit because of this tragedy. Most often when someone attends the funeral of a friend you contemplate your own existence, your own purpose. So when God told me to marry Ed, I listened. Because I knew he knew what was best for me. And the only thing you know for sure in this life is that if you listen to God, everything will be alright.
Who has more siblings? Ed. He has 5 sisters- I only have one obnoxious little brother.
Who wears the pants in the family? Most people would say me- only because I'm more stubborn and I don't need to make a to-do list to get things done. But really, we wear the pants together- one on each leg. We're learning to manage the family and the kids together. Each of us is qualified and trusted to make everyday decisions regarding the kids and other misc. daily tasks. But on the big things, we decide together- usually each of us trying to persuade the other. There are definitly perks to being a woman and I do usually get what I ask for... and so does he... it's just that I usually ask for for more.