Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Alexander the Great

So Alex is great but made a not so great choice yesterday. He cheated at school. Some of you may be wondering what makes a First grader tempted to cheat..... recess. So Alex has daily homework that he turns in every morning. Apparently, if you don't turn it in, you cannot go to morning recess. He is supposed to finish the homework page every day after school and put it in his homework folder inside his backpack when he is finished so he is not scrambling around trying to find stuff before school. Yesterday morning at 8:30, be began looking for his homework folder and couldn't find it. You know about how much effort a first grader puts into looking. I've helped him out before but I felt it was time for him to be accountable and I try really hard to not be one of those "rescue-ing moms". So he went to school unprepared. I never dreamed he'd would turn in someone else's homework so he could go to recess! Obviously, I found about his behavior after school- we had a long talk- he felt the weight of making a wrong choice and was very emotional. At dinner time, this was his "Low" - that he cheated. I also made him admit his wrong-doing to his father and apologize to his teacher. I hope he has learned his lesson. When I was is first grade, I stole a Little Kitty eraser out of some one's desk in another class and put it in my own desk. After lunch, I pulled out my new eraser and showed everyone. I think that's how I got caught- everyone knew I hadn't ran to the store during lunch time.


Amberlyn said...

Boys, boys, boys. That sounds so familiar. I'm glad you handled the situation so well. I'm sure Alex has learned his lesson. You are such a great Mom!!! I learn so much from you!!!!

Denise said...

Ditto, on the boys, boys, boys.

If I could figue out how boys minds work, man I could write a book.

The problem is, that the boys become men, and they STILL think to same way. And I just don't get it.

I think it's good that required Alex to be responsible. I think that this is the only way that they will learn. They have to be responsible for their actions, for their howework, for themselves. And they will make mistakes. And there are consequences.

But this is what life is all about. And as long as you allow them to experience the consequences, then they will learn to do it right the next time (or the time after that, or the time after that, or the time after that...)

Wendy said...

Wow, -- what can I say -- I have three in school and they too are supposed to place their daily homework inside their bags so we aren't looking for it the morning of, -- we still have times where we are looking for the homework.. when will they ever learn.